New name for profit and loss account

Here are some suggestions for a new name for a Profit and Loss (P&L) account:

  1. Revenue and Expense Statement: This name emphasizes the dual nature of the account, highlighting both the revenue generated and the expenses incurred.
  2. Profit and Loss Ledger: This name maintains the traditional "P&L" acronym while emphasizing the ledger format of the account.
  3. Financial Performance Statement: This name shifts the focus from the traditional "profit" and "loss" terminology to a more comprehensive view of a company's financial performance.
  4. Income and Expenditure Account: This name is more concise and straightforward, emphasizing the inflows (income) and outflows (expenditure) of a company.
  5. Earnings Statement: This name highlights the earnings or profits generated by a company, while also emphasizing the importance of the account in understanding a company's financial performance.
  6. Financial Results Statement: This name emphasizes the outcome of a company's financial activities, providing a snapshot of its financial performance.
  7. Operating Statement: This name emphasizes the operational aspects of a company's financial performance, highlighting the revenues and expenses generated by its day-to-day activities.
  8. Financial Summary Statement: This name provides a concise overview of a company's financial performance, highlighting the key metrics and trends.
  9. Profit and Loss Report: This name maintains the traditional "P&L" acronym while emphasizing the report-like format of the account.
  10. Financial Performance Report: This name emphasizes the importance of the account in providing insights into a company's financial performance and progress.

These are just a few suggestions, and you can choose the one that best fits your company's needs and branding.