New name for etisalat

Etisalat is a well-known telecommunications company in the Middle East and Africa. If they were to rebrand or change their name, here are some suggestions:

  1. EtiConnect: This name plays off the idea of connection and community, which is at the heart of a telecommunications company.
  2. Satelink: This name combines "Satel" from Etisalat with "link," emphasizing the company's focus on linking people and communities.
  3. EtiWorld: This name suggests a global presence and a wide range of services, which aligns with Etisalat's international footprint.
  4. ConnectPlus: This name emphasizes the idea of plus, implying that Etisalat offers more than just basic connectivity.
  5. EtiHub: This name positions Etisalat as a central hub for communication and connectivity, which could appeal to customers looking for a reliable and comprehensive service.
  6. Satelinx: This name combines "Satel" with "link" and "inx," suggesting a network of connections and a focus on innovation.
  7. EtiLink: This name is simple and straightforward, emphasizing the company's role in linking people and communities.
  8. Satelife: This name combines "Satel" with "life," suggesting that Etisalat is an essential part of daily life and communication.
  9. EtiConnectivity: This name emphasizes the idea of connectivity and the company's role in enabling communication and connection.
  10. Satelinkz: This name adds a modern twist to the classic "Satel" name, with the "z" suggesting a focus on innovation and technology.

Of course, the final choice of a new name would depend on various factors, including market research, brand identity, and customer feedback.