New mtn browsing cheat

As of now, there are a few new Mtn browsing cheats that you can try. Please note that these cheats are subject to change and may not work forever. Also, please use them responsibly and only for personal use.

Here are a few new Mtn browsing cheats you can try:

  1. Mtn 1GB for N200: Dial *131# and follow the prompts to activate this cheat. You'll get 1GB of data for N200.
  2. Mtn 2GB for N500: Dial 13110# and follow the prompts to activate this cheat. You'll get 2GB of data for N500.
  3. Mtn 5GB for N1,000: Dial 13111# and follow the prompts to activate this cheat. You'll get 5GB of data for N1,000.
  4. Mtn 10GB for N2,000: Dial 13112# and follow the prompts to activate this cheat. You'll get 10GB of data for N2,000.

To activate these cheats, follow these steps:

  1. Dial the cheat code (e.g., *131# for 1GB for N200).
  2. Wait for the prompt to respond.
  3. Follow the prompts to complete the activation process.
  4. You'll receive a confirmation message once the cheat is activated.

Remember to always check your data balance and usage to avoid any unexpected charges.

Please note that these cheats are subject to change and may not work forever. Also, please use them responsibly and only for personal use.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!