New morning mercies a daily gospel devotional

"New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional" is a popular daily devotional written by Paul David Tripp, a well-known Christian author and pastor. The book is designed to help readers start their day with a focus on the gospel and its application to their daily lives.

Here's a brief overview of the book:

Format: The devotional consists of 365 daily readings, each with a brief passage of Scripture, a reflection on the passage, and a prayer. The readings are designed to be short and accessible, making it easy to fit into a busy morning routine.

Content: Each day's reading focuses on a specific theme or topic, such as the character of God, the nature of sin, the work of Christ, and the life of the believer. The reflections are written in a conversational style, making the book feel like a personal conversation with the reader.

Key themes: The book emphasizes several key themes, including:

  1. The gospel: The devotional is centered on the good news of Jesus Christ and the application of that gospel to daily life.
  2. The character of God: The book highlights the attributes of God, such as His love, mercy, and sovereignty.
  3. The nature of sin: The devotional acknowledges the reality of sin and its effects on our lives, but also emphasizes the forgiveness and redemption available through Christ.
  4. The life of the believer: The book encourages readers to live out their faith in practical ways, such as through prayer, worship, and service to others.

What readers are saying: Many readers have praised "New Morning Mercies" for its ability to help them start their day with a focus on the gospel and its application to their daily lives. Some have reported that the devotional has helped them develop a deeper understanding of God's character and the nature of sin, and that it has encouraged them to live out their faith in practical ways.

Who is it for: This devotional is suitable for anyone who wants to start their day with a focus on the gospel and its application to their daily lives. It's particularly helpful for:

  1. New believers: The book provides a solid foundation for understanding the basics of the Christian faith.
  2. Seasoned believers: The devotional offers a fresh perspective on familiar themes and encourages readers to deepen their understanding of God's character and the nature of sin.
  3. Busy people: The short, daily readings make it easy to fit the devotional into a busy morning routine.

Overall, "New Morning Mercies" is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to start their day with a focus on the gospel and its application to their daily lives.