New moon today

A new moon! That's exciting!

A new moon occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, making it invisible from our planet. This happens because the side of the Moon facing the Earth is not illuminated by the Sun's light.

Here are some interesting facts about new moons:

  1. No moonlight: Since the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, we don't get to see any moonlight during a new moon.
  2. Darkness: The sky can appear darker than usual during a new moon, as the Moon's reflected light is not illuminating the Earth.
  3. Astronomical significance: New moons are important for astronomers, as they mark the beginning of a new lunar cycle. This cycle is used to calculate the positions of celestial bodies and predict lunar eclipses.
  4. Cultural significance: In many cultures, new moons are considered a time for new beginnings, renewal, and reflection. It's a great opportunity to set intentions, make changes, or simply take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the night sky.
  5. Lunar cycles: A new moon marks the start of a new lunar cycle, which lasts approximately 29.5 days. This cycle is also known as a synodic month.

What do you think about new moons? Do you have any special rituals or traditions associated with this celestial event?