New moon scriptures

A beautiful topic! Here are some scriptures related to the new moon:

Biblical References:

  1. Genesis 1:14-19: God created the sun, moon, and stars on the fourth day of creation, and the new moon is mentioned as a time for celebration and worship.
  2. Psalm 104:19: "He appointed the moon for seasons; the sun knows its going down."
  3. Psalm 113:9: "He made the moon shine like the sun; he gave it a place in the heavens."
  4. Habakkuk 3:11: "The sun and moon stood still in their habitation: at the light of thine arrows they went, and at the brightness of thy glittering spear."
  5. Ezekiel 46:1: "Thus saith the Lord GOD; The gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the sabbath it shall be opened, and in the day of the new moon it shall be opened."

Islamic References:

  1. Quran 10:5: "It is He Who appointed the sun a splendor and the moon a light, and ordained for it phases, that ye might know the number of years and the reckoning of time."
  2. Quran 36:38-40: "And the moon, We have measured for it mansions till it returns like the old dry sheaf. They ask thee about the new moons. Say: They are times appointed for mankind and for the pilgrimage."
  3. Quran 2:189: "They ask thee about the new moons. Say: They are times appointed for mankind and for the pilgrimage."

Jewish References:

  1. Leviticus 23:4-5: "These are the feasts of the Lord, even holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons. In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the Lord's passover."
  2. Numbers 10:10: "Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and they shall be to you for a memorial before your God: I am the Lord your God."
  3. 2 Chronicles 2:4: "Behold, I build an house to the name of the Lord my God, as the Lord spake unto David my father, saying, Thy son, whom I will set upon thy throne in thy room, he shall build an house unto my name."

These scriptures highlight the significance of the new moon in various religious traditions, often associated with worship, celebration, and remembrance.