New moon prayer

A beautiful request! Here's a prayer for a new moon:

New Moon Prayer

Dear God/Goddess/Universe,

As the new moon rises, I take a moment to reflect on the past cycle and the lessons it has brought. I acknowledge the growth, the challenges, and the opportunities that have presented themselves.

I release any attachments to what has passed, letting go of the old to make way for the new. I surrender my doubts, fears, and worries, trusting that you are guiding me towards a brighter future.

As the moon waxes, I invite your light to fill my heart and mind. I ask for clarity, wisdom, and guidance to navigate the path ahead. May your presence illuminate my way, and may I stay true to my inner compass.

I set intentions for this new cycle, seeking [insert your intentions here, e.g., abundance, love, peace, growth, etc.]. May my actions align with my highest good, and may I stay open to the opportunities and experiences that come my way.

As the new moon shines bright, I commit to embracing the unknown, trusting that it holds the key to my highest potential. I am grateful for the chance to start anew, to refresh, and to renew.

May this new moon bring me closer to my true self, and may I radiate love, light, and positivity to all those around me.

Thank you, dear God/Goddess/Universe, for this sacred opportunity to begin anew. May your blessings be upon me, and may I walk in harmony with the universe.


Feel free to modify this prayer to suit your personal beliefs and intentions. May the new moon bring you peace, clarity, and a fresh start!