New moon october

The October new moon!

Here are some interesting facts about the October new moon:

  1. Date and Time: The October new moon typically occurs around October 17-18, with the exact date and time varying from year to year due to the moon's elliptical orbit around the Earth.
  2. Lunar Cycle: The October new moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle, which lasts approximately 29.5 days. This cycle is also known as a synodic month.
  3. Taurus and Scorpio: The October new moon is associated with the astrological signs of Taurus and Scorpio. Taurus is a fixed earth sign, while Scorpio is a fixed water sign. This combination can bring a mix of stability, practicality, and emotional depth to the new moon's energies.
  4. New Beginnings: As with every new moon, October's new moon is a time for new beginnings, fresh starts, and setting intentions. It's an opportunity to release what's no longer serving you and welcome positive changes into your life.
  5. Harvest Moon: The October new moon is sometimes referred to as the "Harvest Moon" because it often occurs near the peak of the harvest season in the Northern Hemisphere. This association can bring a sense of abundance, gratitude, and celebration to the new moon's energies.
  6. Astrological Influences: The October new moon is influenced by the positions of the planets in the sky. This year, the new moon will be in a trine aspect with Jupiter, which can bring a sense of expansion, optimism, and growth to the new moon's energies.

To make the most of the October new moon, consider setting intentions that align with the themes of new beginnings, abundance, and growth. Take time to reflect on what you're grateful for, and what you're looking to release or manifest in your life.