New month prayer for family and friends

Here's a sample prayer for the new month, focusing on family and friends:

"Dear God,

As we welcome a new month, we come before you with gratitude and humility. We thank you for the blessings of the past month, for the love and support of our family and friends, and for the opportunities we've had to grow and learn.

We pray for our family, that you would continue to guide and protect us. May our relationships with one another be strengthened and deepened, and may we always prioritize love, kindness, and understanding. May our homes be filled with laughter, joy, and peace.

We also pray for our friends, that you would bless them with your presence and guidance. May they be a source of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration to us, and may we be the same to them. May our friendships be built on a foundation of trust, respect, and mutual support.

As we enter this new month, we ask that you would give us wisdom, courage, and strength to face whatever challenges may come our way. May we be people of faith, hope, and love, and may we always remember that you are with us, guiding and directing us every step of the way.

We pray this in Jesus' name, Amen."

You can modify this prayer to fit your personal needs and circumstances. Some other things you might consider adding to your prayer include: