New month prayer december

Here's a sample prayer for the month of December:

Dear God,

As we enter the month of December, we come before you with gratitude and joy. This month is a time of celebration and reflection, as we look back on the past year and look forward to the new one.

We thank you for the blessings we have received, for the loved ones in our lives, and for the opportunities we have had to grow and learn. We also acknowledge the challenges we have faced, and ask for your guidance and strength to overcome them.

As we prepare for the holiday season, we ask that you help us to keep our focus on what truly matters: love, kindness, and generosity. May we be mindful of those around us who may be struggling, and may we find ways to show them your love and compassion.

May this month be a time of peace, joy, and celebration for us and for all those around us. May we be reminded of the true meaning of Christmas, and may we share that joy with others.

We pray for those who are far from home, for those who are struggling, and for those who are in need. May your love and presence be felt by all, and may we be your hands and feet in the world.

Thank you for this month, and for all the blessings it brings. May we use it to draw closer to you, and to share your love with others.


Here are some additional prayers and reflections for the month of December:

I hope these prayers and reflections are helpful to you this month. May you have a blessed and joyful December!