New money e don come

I see what's going on here! "New money e don come" is a popular Nigerian phrase that roughly translates to "New money has arrived" or "New wealth has come". It's often used to express excitement or surprise when someone or something brings in a significant amount of money or wealth.

In Nigeria, the phrase is often used to describe a situation where someone has suddenly become wealthy, perhaps due to a lucky break, a successful business venture, or an inheritance. It's a way of acknowledging the arrival of new wealth and the opportunities it brings.

For example, if someone's business suddenly takes off and they become a millionaire overnight, their friends might say "New money e don come" to congratulate them on their good fortune.

So, if you're feeling like you've just hit the jackpot or your financial situation has suddenly improved, you can say "New money e don come" to express your excitement and gratitude!