New money 2 nollywood movie

You're looking for a new Nollywood movie titled "New Money 2"!

Here's what I found:

New Money 2 is a 2022 Nigerian romantic comedy film directed by Niyi Akinmolayan. The movie is a sequel to the 2018 film "New Money", which was a huge success.

The movie follows the story of Tobi (played by Femi Jacobs), a wealthy businessman who is struggling to balance his personal and professional life. His wife, Mabel (played by Osas Ighodaro), is a successful entrepreneur who is tired of being treated like a trophy wife. As they navigate their complicated relationship, they must also contend with the challenges of their wealthy friends and family.

New Money 2 features an all-star cast, including:

The movie has received positive reviews from critics and audiences alike, with many praising the witty dialogue, engaging storyline, and strong performances from the cast.

If you're a fan of Nollywood movies or romantic comedies, New Money 2 is definitely worth checking out!