New mental maths

Mental math! Here are some new and interesting mental math techniques to help you improve your calculation skills:

1. Vedic Multiplication

This ancient Indian technique uses a series of simple steps to multiply two numbers mentally. It's based on the concept of "partial products."

Example: 34 × 17

  1. Multiply 30 × 17 = 510
  2. Multiply 4 × 17 = 68
  3. Add the partial products: 510 + 68 = 578

2. Mental Division

To divide a number mentally, use the following steps:

  1. Divide the number by 2, then by 5, and so on.
  2. Use the remainders to find the final answer.

Example: 48 ÷ 6

  1. Divide 48 by 2 = 24
  2. Divide 24 by 2 = 12
  3. Divide 12 by 6 = 2 (with a remainder of 0)

3. Nines Trick

This trick helps you multiply numbers by 9 mentally:

  1. Multiply the number by 10
  2. Subtract the original number

Example: 7 × 9

  1. Multiply 7 by 10 = 70
  2. Subtract 7 = 63

4. Mental Squares

To calculate the square of a number mentally, use the following formula:

(x + y)^2 = x^2 + 2xy + y^2

Example: 5^2

  1. Calculate 5^2 = 25
  2. Add 2 × 5 × 5 = 50
  3. Add 5^2 = 25
  4. Result: 25 + 50 + 25 = 100

5. Mental Cubes

To calculate the cube of a number mentally, use the following formula:

(x + y)^3 = x^3 + 3x^2y + 3xy^2 + y^3

Example: 4^3

  1. Calculate 4^3 = 64
  2. Add 3 × 4^2 × 4 = 192
  3. Add 3 × 4 × 4^2 = 192
  4. Add 4^3 = 64
  5. Result: 64 + 192 + 192 + 64 = 512

These are just a few examples of new mental math techniques to help you improve your calculation skills. Practice makes perfect, so try to apply these techniques to different problems and see how quickly you can become proficient!