New mens fashion logo

Here are some ideas for a new men's fashion logo:

  1. Minimalist Typography: A simple, bold font with the brand name or initials, such as "MEN" or "MF".
  2. Iconic Silhouette: A stylized illustration of a man's body or a specific garment, like a suit or a hat, that represents the brand's focus on men's fashion.
  3. Abstract Pattern: A unique, geometric pattern that incorporates elements of menswear, such as stripes, checks, or plaids.
  4. Combination Mark: A logo that combines a symbol or icon with the brand name or initials, such as a stylized letter "M" with a tie or a pocket square.
  5. Wordmark: A custom-designed wordmark that incorporates the brand name in a creative, artistic way, such as a handwritten font or a stylized letterform.

Here are some specific logo ideas:

  1. "MEN" in bold, sans-serif font: A simple, modern logo that immediately conveys the brand's focus on men's fashion.
  2. A stylized illustration of a suit: A sophisticated, elegant logo that represents the brand's focus on formal wear.
  3. A geometric pattern of interlocking ties: A unique, eye-catching logo that incorporates a key element of men's fashion.
  4. A combination mark featuring a tie and a pocket square: A creative, playful logo that combines two essential elements of men's fashion.
  5. A custom-designed wordmark featuring the brand name "MEN" in a handwritten font: A stylish, artistic logo that adds a touch of personality to the brand.

Remember to keep your logo simple, scalable, and versatile enough to be used across various platforms, including business cards, website, social media, and merchandise.