New marine one

You're referring to the new presidential helicopter, Marine One!

The current Marine One fleet is composed of a mix of VH-3D Sea King and VH-60N White Hawk helicopters, which have been in service since the 1990s. However, the US Marine Corps is in the process of replacing these aging aircraft with a new fleet of VH-92A helicopters, manufactured by Sikorsky Aircraft.

The VH-92A is a modified version of the S-92 helicopter, designed specifically for presidential transport. It features advanced avionics, improved safety features, and increased range and payload capacity. The new Marine One helicopters are expected to enter service in the mid-2020s.

Some of the key features of the VH-92A include:

  1. Advanced avionics: The helicopter features a modern glass cockpit with advanced navigation and communication systems.
  2. Increased range: The VH-92A has a longer range than its predecessors, allowing it to stay airborne for longer periods without refueling.
  3. Improved safety: The helicopter features a number of safety enhancements, including a redundant flight control system and a crash-resistant fuel system.
  4. Enhanced security: The VH-92A has a number of security features, including a self-defense system and a secure communication system.
  5. Comfort and amenities: The helicopter is designed to provide a comfortable and secure ride for the President and his staff, with amenities such as air conditioning, heating, and in-flight entertainment.

The new Marine One helicopters are expected to play a critical role in supporting the President's official duties, providing safe and secure transportation for the President and his staff.