New map fortnite

A new map in Fortnite!

Epic Games, the developer of Fortnite, has been releasing new maps and updates to the game regularly. Here's the latest information on the new map:

Name: Tilted Towers (Season 7)

Release Date: December 6, 2018 (Season 7)

Description: The new map, Tilted Towers, is a winter-themed map set in a snowy, mountainous region. The map features a mix of snowy forests, frozen lakes, and snow-capped mountains. The map is designed to provide a more challenging and dynamic gameplay experience, with new locations, landmarks, and secrets to discover.

New Features:

  1. Snowy Terrain: The map features snow-covered mountains, forests, and lakes, which can affect gameplay and provide new ways to navigate and hide.
  2. New Landmarks: The map includes new landmarks, such as the Tilted Towers themselves, which are now a central hub for players to gather and fight.
  3. Hidden Secrets: The map contains hidden secrets and Easter eggs, such as hidden chests, hidden paths, and other surprises.
  4. New Weather Conditions: The map features new weather conditions, including snowstorms, which can affect gameplay and visibility.

Changes to the Map:

  1. Tilted Towers: The Tilted Towers are now a central hub for players to gather and fight. The towers are surrounded by a snowy forest and feature new loot and secrets.
  2. Snowy Forests: The snowy forests are now more dense and feature new hiding spots and secrets.
  3. Frozen Lakes: The frozen lakes are now more treacherous, with ice that can break and send players into the water.
  4. Mountainous Regions: The mountainous regions are now more challenging, with steep cliffs and hidden paths.

Tips and Strategies:

  1. Use the Snow to Your Advantage: The snow can be used to hide and sneak up on enemies, or to create a makeshift shield to protect yourself.
  2. Explore the New Landmarks: The new landmarks, such as the Tilted Towers, can provide new loot and secrets to discover.
  3. Be Careful on the Frozen Lakes: The frozen lakes can be treacherous, so be careful not to fall through the ice.
  4. Use Your Environment: The snowy terrain can be used to your advantage, such as by creating a makeshift ramp to reach high places or by using the snow to hide and sneak up on enemies.

I hope this information helps you navigate the new map in Fortnite!