New manager introduction speech sample

Here's a sample introduction speech for a new manager:

[Start with a warm welcome and a brief introduction]

"Good morning/afternoon everyone, I'm thrilled to be standing here today as the new [Manager/Team Lead] of [Team/Department]. My name is [Your Name], and I'm excited to join this amazing team and contribute to the success of [Company/Organization].

[Share a brief background and experience]

"I come from a background in [industry/field], with [number] years of experience in [specific area of expertise]. My most recent role was at [previous company], where I [briefly describe your accomplishments and responsibilities]. I'm proud to say that I've had the opportunity to work with talented teams and individuals, and I'm looking forward to bringing my skills and experience to this new role.

[Express your enthusiasm and commitment]

"I'm truly excited to be joining this team and contributing to the company's mission. I'm committed to working collaboratively with each and every one of you to achieve our goals and drive success. I believe that effective communication, open feedback, and a positive work environment are essential to achieving our objectives, and I'm committed to fostering these values in our team.

[Highlight your priorities and goals]

"In the coming weeks and months, I'll be focusing on [specific priorities or goals, such as improving processes, building relationships, or driving innovation]. I'll be working closely with each of you to understand your needs, concerns, and ideas, and I encourage you to reach out to me with any questions or feedback.

[End with a positive note and a call to action]

"I'm looking forward to getting to know each of you better and working together to achieve great things. Let's work together to make [Company/Organization] an even better place to work and to drive success. Thank you for your warm welcome, and let's get started on this new chapter together!"

[Optional: Add a personal touch or a fun fact]

"I'd like to add that I'm a [hobby/interest] enthusiast, and I'm excited to share my passion with the team. In my free time, I enjoy [related activity or hobby]. I'm looking forward to getting to know each of you and finding ways to incorporate our shared interests into our work.

Remember to keep your speech concise, clear, and engaging. You can adjust the tone and content to fit your personal style and the company culture. Good luck!