New madrid signing

You're referring to the New Madrid signing, which is a significant geological event that occurred in the early 19th century!

The New Madrid Seismic Sequence was a series of powerful earthquakes that struck the New Madrid Seismic Zone in the central United States, particularly in the region around New Madrid, Missouri. The sequence began on December 16, 1811, and lasted for about two years, with the most significant earthquakes occurring in 1811 and 1812.

The earthquakes were so powerful that they caused widespread destruction and changed the course of the Mississippi River. The earthquakes were also felt as far away as Washington, D.C., and were reportedly felt by people in the eastern United States, including in New York City.

The New Madrid Seismic Sequence was a significant event in the history of North America, and it led to a greater understanding of earthquakes and their impact on the region. It also led to the development of new building codes and emergency preparedness measures.

Here are some interesting facts about the New Madrid Seismic Sequence:

  1. The earthquakes were so powerful that they caused the Mississippi River to flow backwards for a short time.
  2. The earthquakes were felt by people as far away as 1,000 miles (1,600 km) from the epicenter.
  3. The earthquakes caused widespread destruction, including the collapse of buildings, bridges, and chimneys.
  4. The earthquakes also caused changes to the landscape, including the creation of new lakes and the alteration of the course of rivers.
  5. The New Madrid Seismic Sequence was a significant event in the history of North America, and it led to a greater understanding of earthquakes and their impact on the region.

I hope this information helps!