New madea movie

A new Madea movie! Tyler Perry's beloved character is always good for a laugh and a dose of wisdom. Here's what we know so far about the latest installment:

Title: "A Madea Homecoming"

Release Date: February 25, 2022 (on Netflix)

Plot: The movie follows Madea as she returns to her hometown of Atlanta for her 50th high school reunion. As she navigates the ups and downs of her past, she must also help her family and friends deal with their own personal struggles.

Cast: Tyler Perry will reprise his role as Madea, of course! The movie will also feature a talented ensemble cast, including:

Synopsis: The movie promises to be a heartwarming and hilarious exploration of family, friendship, and community. Madea's signature wit and wisdom will be on full display as she helps her loved ones work through their issues and find their way.

Fun Facts:

Are you excited to see what Madea has in store for us this time around?