New look logo

The New Look logo!

New Look is a popular British multinational fashion retailer that offers a wide range of clothing, shoes, and accessories for women, men, and children. The company was founded in 1969 and has since become a household name in the UK and beyond.

The New Look logo has undergone several changes over the years, but the current logo, introduced in 2014, is a modern and sleek design that reflects the brand's commitment to fashion, quality, and affordability.

Here's a breakdown of the logo:

Color scheme: The logo features a bold and bright pink color (#FF69B4), which is a nod to the brand's heritage and its iconic 1960s roots.

Typography: The logotype is a custom-designed font that is clean, modern, and easy to read. The text "New Look" is written in uppercase letters, with the words "New" and "Look" separated by a stylized arrow symbol.

Iconography: The logo features a stylized arrow symbol that connects the words "New" and "Look". The arrow is designed to evoke a sense of movement, energy, and forward-thinking, reflecting the brand's commitment to staying ahead of the fashion curve.

Overall design: The logo is simple, yet effective, and is designed to be versatile and adaptable across various platforms, including print, digital, and packaging.

The New Look logo has become synonymous with affordable fashion, quality products, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. The brand's logo is instantly recognizable and has become a staple of British fashion culture.