New look leopard print top

A new look leopard print top sounds like a fabulous addition to any wardrobe!

Here are some styling ideas to help you rock your new leopard print top:

  1. Pair with neutral bottoms: Balance out the bold print with neutral-colored pants, skirts, or shorts. This will create a chic and sophisticated look.
  2. Add a pop of color: Mix and match with a brightly colored skirt, pants, or jacket to create a fun and playful outfit.
  3. Go for a monochromatic look: Pair the leopard print top with other animal prints, like zebra or snake, for a bold and edgy look.
  4. Keep it simple with accessories: Let the top be the focal point and keep jewelry and accessories simple and understated.
  5. Try a different neckline: If you're feeling adventurous, try pairing the leopard print top with a different neckline, like a high-neck or off-the-shoulder style, to add some visual interest.
  6. Add a blazer: Throw on a blazer to instantly elevate the look and add a touch of sophistication.
  7. Play with textures: Mix and match different textures, like velvet, lace, or suede, to add depth and interest to the outfit.

Some popular ways to style a leopard print top include:

Remember, the key to styling a leopard print top is to balance out the bold print with other elements in your outfit. Have fun experimenting and finding your own unique style!