New logo announcement sample

Here's a sample announcement for a new logo:

Introducing Our New Logo!

We are thrilled to announce the unveiling of our brand new logo! After months of hard work and careful consideration, we are excited to introduce a fresh and modern visual identity that reflects our values, mission, and commitment to [industry/field].

What inspired the new logo?

Our new logo is designed to [briefly describe the inspiration behind the logo, e.g. "embody our company's values of innovation and creativity" or "pay homage to our heritage and legacy"]. The design is a result of a collaborative effort between our team and [design agency/consultant], who brought their expertise and creativity to the table.

What does the new logo represent?

Our new logo represents [briefly describe what the logo represents, e.g. "our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction" or "our passion for [specific area of focus]"]. The logo is designed to be [scalable, versatile, and memorable], making it perfect for use across all our marketing materials, from our website to social media and beyond.

What's changing?

While our logo is new, our commitment to [industry/field] and our values remain the same. We are excited to introduce this fresh visual identity to the world and look forward to continuing to serve our customers and community with the same level of dedication and passion.

Get ready to see the new logo everywhere!

Starting [date], you'll begin to see our new logo on our website, social media, marketing materials, and more. We can't wait to share this exciting new chapter with you and look forward to your feedback and comments.

Stay tuned for more updates!

In the coming weeks and months, we'll be sharing more about our new logo, including behind-the-scenes stories, design inspiration, and tips on how to use the logo effectively. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to join us on this exciting journey!

Best regards, [Your Name/Company Name]

Social media post sample:

"Introducing our brand new logo! We're thrilled to unveil a fresh and modern visual identity that reflects our values, mission, and commitment to [industry/field]. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to see our new logo everywhere! #NewLogo #BrandRefresh #ExcitingTimesAhead"