New living translation bible offline

The New Living Translation (NLT) is a popular and easy-to-understand Bible translation. Here are some options for getting an offline NLT Bible:

Mobile Apps:

  1. YouVersion (Free): YouVersion is a popular Bible app that offers the NLT translation, among others. It's available for both iOS and Android devices.
  2. Bible Gateway (Free): Bible Gateway is another well-known Bible app that offers the NLT translation. It's available for both iOS and Android devices.
  3. NLT Bible (Paid): This app is specifically designed for the NLT translation and offers features like bookmarking, note-taking, and highlighting. It's available for iOS and Android devices.


  1. Amazon Kindle (Paid): You can purchase the NLT Bible as an e-book from Amazon Kindle. It's available in various formats, including MOBI, EPUB, and PDF.
  2. Barnes & Noble Nook (Paid): You can also purchase the NLT Bible as an e-book from Barnes & Noble Nook.


  1. Bible Gateway (Free): Bible Gateway offers a free PDF download of the NLT Bible. You can download it from their website.
  2. NLT Bible (Free): The official NLT Bible website offers a free PDF download of the NLT Bible.

Other Options:

  1. E-Sword (Free): E-Sword is a free Bible study software that offers the NLT translation. You can download it from their website.
  2. Xiphos (Free): Xiphos is a free Bible study software that offers the NLT translation. You can download it from their website.

Please note that some of these options may require you to create an account or provide payment information. Additionally, some apps may offer in-app purchases or subscriptions for additional features.