New living translation bible epub

The New Living Translation (NLT) is a popular Bible translation known for its clear and natural language. Here's how you can get an ePub version of the NLT Bible:

Online Sources:

  1. Bible Gateway: You can download the NLT Bible in ePub format from Bible Gateway, a popular online Bible study platform. Simply search for "New Living Translation" on their website, select the ePub format, and follow the download instructions.
  2. YouVersion: YouVersion is a free Bible app that offers the NLT translation in ePub format. You can download the app on your mobile device or access it through their website.

Digital Bookstores:

  1. Amazon Kindle: You can purchase the NLT Bible in ePub format from Amazon Kindle Store. Simply search for "New Living Translation Bible" and select the ePub format.
  2. Google Play Books: You can also find the NLT Bible in ePub format on Google Play Books. Search for "New Living Translation Bible" and select the ePub format.

Other Options:

  1. Olive Tree Bible Software: Olive Tree offers a digital version of the NLT Bible in ePub format, which can be accessed through their Bible study software or mobile app.
  2. Logos Bible Software: Logos also offers the NLT Bible in ePub format, which can be accessed through their Bible study software or mobile app.

Important Notes:

I hope this helps you get your hands on an ePub version of the New Living Translation Bible!