New living translation bible download

The New Living Translation (NLT) is a popular and easy-to-understand Bible translation. Here are the steps to download the NLT Bible:

Digital Versions:

  1. YouVersion: You can download the NLT Bible for free from YouVersion, a popular Bible app. Simply search for "New Living Translation" in the app, and you'll find various versions, including the NLT.
  2. Bible Gateway: Bible Gateway offers a free download of the NLT Bible in various formats, including e-book, PDF, and audio. You can access it by creating a free account on their website.
  3. E-Sword: E-Sword is a free Bible study software that offers the NLT Bible for download. You can download it from their website.

Printed Copies:

If you prefer a physical copy, you can purchase the NLT Bible from various online retailers, such as:

  1. Amazon: You can find various editions of the NLT Bible on Amazon, including paperback, hardcover, and leather-bound versions.
  2. offers a wide range of NLT Bibles, including study Bibles and devotionals.
  3. Barnes & Noble: You can find NLT Bibles on Barnes & Noble's website or in their physical stores.

Other Options:

  1. NLT Bible App: The NLT Bible app is available for both iOS and Android devices. You can download it from the App Store or Google Play.
  2. NLT Audio Bible: You can also listen to the NLT Bible through various audio platforms, such as Audible or Christian audio apps like Faith Comes by Hearing.

Remember to always verify the authenticity of the download or purchase from a reputable source to ensure you're getting a trustworthy version of the Bible.