New literature syllabus

Here is a sample literature syllabus for a college-level course:

Course Title: Introduction to Literature

Course Description: This course is an introduction to the study of literature, exploring the ways in which writers use language to create meaning and convey human experience. We will read a diverse range of texts from different genres, periods, and cultures, and analyze their literary devices, themes, and historical contexts.

Course Objectives:

Course Outline:

Week 1: Introduction to Literature

Week 2-3: American Literature

Week 4-5: British Literature

Week 6-7: World Literature

Week 8-9: Contemporary Literature

Week 10: Final Project


Required Texts:

Recommended Texts:

Additional Resources:

Grading Scale:

Academic Integrity:

Disability Accommodations:

Contact Information:

Office Hours:

Office Location:

I hope this sample syllabus helps!