New line in template literal

In template literals, you can create a new line using the \n character. Here's an example:

const templateLiteral = `Hello,
console.log(templateLiteral); // Output: "Hello,\nworld!"

In this example, the \n character is used to create a new line within the template literal.

Alternatively, you can use the template literal with the raw tag to create a new line:

const templateLiteral = `${raw`
console.log(templateLiteral); // Output: "Hello,\nworld!"

The raw tag is used to indicate that the template literal should be treated as a raw string, without any interpolation or escaping.

You can also use the template literal with the tagged template literal syntax to create a new line:

const templateLiteral = taggedTemplateLiteral`
console.log(templateLiteral); // Output: "Hello,\nworld!"

The tagged template literal syntax allows you to specify a tag function that will be called with the template literal as an argument. In this case, the tag function is not specified, so the template literal is treated as a raw string.

Note that in all cases, the \n character is used to create a new line, and the resulting string will have the new line character included.