New line in excel

In Excel, you can insert a new line in a cell using the following methods:

  1. Press Enter: Simply press the Enter key on your keyboard to insert a new line in the cell.
  2. Use the Alt + Enter shortcut: Hold down the Alt key and press the Enter key to insert a new line.
  3. Use the Insert > Line Break menu option: Go to the "Insert" menu, click on "Line Break", and then select "Insert" to insert a new line.
  4. Use the Ctrl + Enter shortcut: Hold down the Ctrl key and press the Enter key to insert a new line.
  5. Use the Shift + Enter shortcut: Hold down the Shift key and press the Enter key to insert a new line.

Note: When you insert a new line in a cell, the text will wrap to the next line, and the cell will automatically adjust its height to accommodate the new line.

Also, you can use the "Wrap Text" option in the "Home" tab of the ribbon to control how text wraps to the next line. To do this:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells that you want to wrap text.
  2. Go to the "Home" tab of the ribbon.
  3. Click on the "Wrap Text" button in the "Alignment" group.
  4. Select the desired wrapping option from the dropdown menu.

This will allow you to control how text wraps to the next line, including options such as "Wrap text", "Shrink to fit", and "Clipping".