New line character in python

In Python, the new line character is represented by the escape sequence \n. This is used to indicate the end of a line in a string.

Here are a few ways to use the new line character in Python:

  1. String literal: You can use the \n escape sequence directly in a string literal:
    my_string = "Hello\nWorld"
    print(my_string)  # Output: Hello
                   #         World
  2. Raw string: If you want to include a literal backslash (\) in your string, you can use a raw string by prefixing the string with r. In this case, the \n escape sequence will be treated as a literal backslash and n:
    my_string = r"Hello\ World"
    print(my_string)  # Output: Hello\ World
  3. String formatting: You can also use the new line character in string formatting using the print() function:
    my_string = "Hello"
    print(my_string + "\nWorld")  # Output: Hello
                               #         World
  4. Multiline strings: Python also supports multiline strings using triple quotes (""") or triple single quotes ('''). In this case, you can use the new line character to separate lines:
    my_string = """Hello
    print(my_string)  # Output: Hello
                   #         World

    Note that in Python 2.x, the new line character is represented by \r\n on Windows and \n on Unix-like systems. However, in Python 3.x, the new line character is always represented by \n, regardless of the operating system.