New line character in js

In JavaScript, the new line character is represented by the string \n.

Here are a few ways to use the new line character in JavaScript:

  1. String concatenation: You can concatenate the \n character with other strings to create a new string with a new line.
    var str = "Hello\nWorld";
    console.log(str); // Output: "Hello\nWorld"
  2. Template literals: In ES6 and later, you can use template literals to create a new string with a new line.
    const str = `Hello
    console.log(str); // Output: "Hello\nWorld"
  3. Escape sequence: You can use the escape sequence \n in a string literal to create a new line.
    var str = "Hello\\nWorld";
    console.log(str); // Output: "Hello\nWorld"
  4. Line breaks in a string: You can also use the \n character to create a new line within a string.
    var str = "Hello\n";
    console.log(str); // Output: "Hello\n"

    Note that the \n character is not a character in the classical sense, but rather a special sequence that represents a new line. This means that you can't use it as a character in a string, but rather as a way to separate lines.

Also, keep in mind that the \n character is platform-dependent, meaning that it may not work as expected on all operating systems. For example, on Windows, the new line character is \r\n, while on Unix-based systems, it's just \n. If you need to work with files or strings that may contain different new line characters, you may need to use a library or function that can handle these differences.