New life worship great i am

It sounds like you're feeling a sense of gratitude and awe towards God! "New life" is a beautiful phrase that can evoke feelings of renewal and rebirth. And "I am" is a powerful declaration of identity and existence.

In the Bible, the phrase "I am" is used by God to describe Himself, emphasizing His eternal and unchanging nature. For example, in Exodus 3:14, God says to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM" (or "I am that I am" in some translations). This phrase is often seen as a declaration of God's self-existence and self-sufficiency.

When you say "I am" in response to "new life," you're essentially declaring your own existence and identity in Christ. You're acknowledging that you are a new creation, redeemed and forgiven by God's grace.

What does this phrase mean to you? How has your understanding of your identity in Christ changed or grown over time?