New life church exposed

New Life Church is a non-denominational Christian church located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, founded by Ted Haggard in 1983. However, in 2006, the church was embroiled in a scandal that led to the resignation of Haggard as senior pastor.

The scandal began when a former male prostitute named Mike Jones accused Haggard of hiring him for sex. The allegations were made public in October 2006, and an investigation was launched by the church's board of overseers. The investigation found that Haggard had engaged in a pattern of sexual immorality, including hiring male prostitutes and using methamphetamine.

As a result of the investigation, Haggard resigned as senior pastor of New Life Church on November 4, 2006. He later admitted to "sexual immorality" and sought counseling and treatment.

The scandal had a significant impact on the church, leading to a decline in attendance and a loss of trust among some members. However, the church has since recovered and continues to operate under the leadership of a new senior pastor, Brady Boyd.

Some of the key events and developments in the scandal include:

The scandal has had a lasting impact on the church and the Christian community, leading to increased scrutiny of the church's leadership and a renewed focus on accountability and transparency.

Some of the key questions and concerns that have arisen from the scandal include:

Overall, the scandal surrounding New Life Church and Ted Haggard has raised important questions about the accountability and transparency of Christian leaders, and has led to a renewed focus on the importance of integrity and moral character in Christian ministry.