New life baptist church

New Life Baptist Church is a Christian church that is part of the Southern Baptist Convention. Here are some key facts about the church:

Location: New Life Baptist Church is located in [City, State], USA.

Denomination: Southern Baptist Convention

Affiliations: New Life Baptist Church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, a large Baptist denomination in the United States.

History: The church was founded in [Year] by [Founder's Name], a pastor who had a vision to establish a church in the community.

Mission: The mission of New Life Baptist Church is to "reach, teach, and serve" the community, with a focus on spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and building relationships with those around them.

Services: The church offers regular Sunday morning worship services, as well as mid-week services and Bible studies.

Ministries: New Life Baptist Church has a variety of ministries, including:

Leadership: The church is led by a senior pastor, [Pastor's Name], who is responsible for preaching, teaching, and overseeing the overall ministry of the church.

Community: New Life Baptist Church is a community-focused church that is committed to serving the needs of those around them. The church has a variety of outreach programs and community events throughout the year.

Online Presence: The church has a website and social media presence, where they share updates, sermons, and other information about the church.

Contact Information: For more information about New Life Baptist Church, you can visit their website or contact them at [Phone Number] or [Email Address].