New left review journal

New Left Review (NLR) is a quarterly journal of Marxist theory and critique that has been published since 1960. It is considered one of the most influential and respected Marxist journals in the world.

History: New Left Review was founded in 1960 by Stuart Hall, Martin Glaberman, and others as a response to the rise of the New Left movement in the 1950s and 1960s. The journal was initially published in the UK and was known for its critical analysis of capitalism, imperialism, and the role of the state. Over the years, NLR has maintained its commitment to Marxist theory and has published work by many prominent Marxist thinkers, including Antonio Gramsci, Louis Althusser, and Ernesto Laclau.

Content: New Left Review publishes articles, reviews, and debates on a wide range of topics, including:

  1. Marxist theory and critique: NLR publishes original research and analysis on Marxist theory, including critiques of capitalism, imperialism, and the role of the state.
  2. Politics and economics: The journal covers contemporary political and economic issues, including globalization, neoliberalism, and the impact of capitalism on society.
  3. Culture and ideology: NLR explores the relationship between culture, ideology, and power, including the role of media, art, and literature in shaping our understanding of the world.
  4. History and sociology: The journal publishes articles on historical and sociological topics, including the history of the labor movement, the rise of capitalism, and the impact of globalization on social relations.

Notable contributors: New Left Review has published work by many prominent Marxist thinkers and scholars, including:

  1. Antonio Gramsci
  2. Louis Althusser
  3. Ernesto Laclau
  4. Slavoj Žižek
  5. Judith Butler
  6. Wendy Brown
  7. David Harvey
  8. Immanuel Wallerstein
  9. Ellen Meiksins Wood
  10. Perry Anderson

Impact: New Left Review has had a significant impact on Marxist theory and critique, and has played a key role in shaping the intellectual landscape of the Left. The journal has also been influential in shaping the development of Marxist thought and has been a platform for many prominent Marxist thinkers.

Frequency and circulation: New Left Review is published quarterly and has a circulation of around 10,000 copies worldwide.

Online presence: New Left Review has a strong online presence, with a website that features articles, reviews, and debates, as well as a blog and social media channels.

Subscription: New Left Review is available by subscription, and individual issues can be purchased online. The journal is also available in many academic libraries and bookstores.

Overall, New Left Review is a highly respected and influential journal that has played a significant role in shaping Marxist theory and critique. Its commitment to critical analysis and debate has made it a valuable resource for scholars, activists, and anyone interested in understanding the complexities of capitalism and the Left.