New learning

Exciting! What kind of new learning are you interested in? Here are some popular options:

  1. Language: Learn a new language like Spanish, French, Mandarin, or Arabic with apps like Duolingo, Babbel, or Rosetta Stone.
  2. Coding: Explore programming languages like Python, JavaScript, or HTML/CSS with online courses like Codecademy, FreeCodeCamp, or Coursera.
  3. Personal development: Improve your communication, leadership, or time management skills with courses like Coursera's "The Science of Well-Being" or LinkedIn Learning's "Effective Communication".
  4. Creative skills: Learn photography, graphic design, or writing with online courses like Skillshare, Udemy, or CreativeLive.
  5. Business and finance: Study entrepreneurship, marketing, or finance with online courses like Coursera's "Entrepreneurship 101" or edX's "Financial Markets".
  6. Health and wellness: Learn about nutrition, yoga, or meditation with online courses like Udemy's "Nutrition 101" or YogaGlo's "Yoga for Beginners".
  7. Science and technology: Explore topics like artificial intelligence, data science, or astronomy with online courses like Coursera's "Machine Learning" or edX's "Introduction to Astronomy".
  8. Cooking and nutrition: Learn new recipes, cooking techniques, or nutrition principles with online courses like MasterClass's "Cooking with Gordon Ramsay" or Udemy's "Nutrition and Meal Planning".
  9. Art and music: Learn painting, drawing, or music with online courses like Skillshare's "Drawing Fundamentals" or MasterClass's "Music Theory".
  10. Travel and culture: Learn about different cultures, languages, or travel destinations with online courses like Coursera's "Cultural Anthropology" or Udemy's "Travel Photography".

Which one of these options sparks your interest?