New layer with layer mask

A new layer with a layer mask!

In Photoshop, a layer mask allows you to selectively edit or hide parts of a layer. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a new layer with a layer mask:

Method 1: Using the "Layer" menu

  1. Go to the "Layer" menu and select "New" > "Layer" (or press Ctrl+Shift+N on Windows or Command+Shift+N on Mac).
  2. In the "New Layer" dialog box, enter a name for your layer and select "Layer with Mask" from the "Layer Options" dropdown menu.
  3. Click "OK" to create the new layer with a layer mask.

Method 2: Using the "Layer" panel

  1. Open the "Layer" panel by going to "Window" > "Layers" (or press F7).
  2. Click the "Create a new layer" button at the bottom of the panel (it looks like a small rectangle with a "+" symbol).
  3. In the "New Layer" dialog box, select "Layer with Mask" from the "Layer Options" dropdown menu.
  4. Click "OK" to create the new layer with a layer mask.

What's a layer mask?

A layer mask is a grayscale image that controls the opacity of the layer it's attached to. Black areas of the mask hide the layer, while white areas reveal it. Gray areas blend the layer with the underlying layers.

Tips and tricks