New king james version offline bible

Here are some options for a New King James Version (NKJV) offline Bible:

Mobile Apps:

  1. YouVersion Bible App: This is a popular Bible app that offers the NKJV translation, along with many other translations. It's free, offline, and available for both iOS and Android devices.
  2. NKJV Bible App: This app is specifically designed for the NKJV translation and offers a clean and easy-to-use interface. It's available for both iOS and Android devices.
  3. Bible Gateway App: This app offers the NKJV translation, along with many other translations, and allows you to search, bookmark, and highlight verses. It's available for both iOS and Android devices.


  1. Amazon Kindle: You can purchase the NKJV Bible as an e-book from Amazon Kindle and read it offline on your Kindle device or the Kindle app on your mobile device.
  2. Barnes & Noble Nook: You can purchase the NKJV Bible as an e-book from Barnes & Noble Nook and read it offline on your Nook device or the Nook app on your mobile device.
  3. Google Play Books: You can purchase the NKJV Bible as an e-book from Google Play Books and read it offline on your Android device or the Google Play Books app on your iOS device.

PDF Files:

  1. NKJV Bible PDF: You can download a free NKJV Bible PDF file from various websites, such as or However, please note that these files may not be optimized for reading on mobile devices.

Tablet and e-Reader Devices:

  1. Kobo eReader: You can purchase the NKJV Bible as an e-book from Kobo and read it offline on your Kobo eReader device.
  2. Nook Tablet: You can purchase the NKJV Bible as an e-book from Barnes & Noble Nook and read it offline on your Nook Tablet device.

Remember to always check the compatibility of the Bible with your device and operating system before making a purchase.