New king james version audio bible

There are several ways to access the New King James Version (NKJV) audio Bible. Here are a few options:

  1. YouVersion: You can download the YouVersion Bible app on your mobile device and access the NKJV audio Bible for free. YouVersion offers a wide range of audio Bibles, including the NKJV, in various formats, such as MP3 and M4A.
  2. Bible Gateway: Bible Gateway is a popular online Bible study website that offers a NKJV audio Bible. You can listen to the audio Bible online or download it as an MP3 file.
  3. Audible: Audible is an audiobook platform that offers a wide range of audio Bibles, including the NKJV. You can purchase the NKJV audio Bible as a digital download or stream it through the Audible app.
  4. Christian Audio: Christian Audio is a website that offers a wide range of Christian audiobooks, including the NKJV audio Bible. You can purchase the audio Bible as a digital download or stream it through the Christian Audio app.
  5. CD or MP3: You can also purchase a physical copy of the NKJV audio Bible on CD or MP3 format from online retailers like Amazon or Christian bookstores.

Some popular NKJV audio Bible narrators include:

When choosing an NKJV audio Bible, consider the following factors:

Remember to always verify the accuracy of the audio Bible with a printed NKJV Bible or other reliable sources to ensure that the audio recording is faithful to the original text.