New king james version apk

Here are a few options to get the New King James Version (NKJV) Bible as an APK (Android Package File) for your Android device:

Option 1: YouVersion

YouVersion is a popular Bible app that offers the NKJV translation. You can download the app from the Google Play Store and access the NKJV translation within the app.

Option 2: NKJV Bible APK

There are several third-party APKs available that offer the NKJV Bible. However, please note that these APKs may not be officially sanctioned by the copyright holders, and their quality and accuracy may vary.

Option 3: Bible Gateway APK

Bible Gateway is another popular Bible app that offers the NKJV translation. While they don't have a separate APK file, you can download the app from the Google Play Store and access the NKJV translation within the app.

Important Note

Before downloading any APK file, please ensure that you have enabled "Unknown sources" in your Android device's settings to allow installation of apps from outside the Google Play Store. Additionally, be cautious when downloading APKs from third-party sources, as they may contain malware or viruses.

It's always a good idea to verify the authenticity and accuracy of the APK file before installing it on your device.