New king james bible offline apk

Here are a few options for downloading the New King James Bible (NKJV) offline APK:

  1. YouVersion Bible App: This is a popular Bible app that offers the NKJV translation, among others. You can download the app from the Google Play Store and access the NKJV offline.

Download link: YouVersion Bible App

  1. NKJV Bible Offline APK: This is a standalone APK that allows you to read the NKJV Bible offline. You can download it from the following link:

Download link: NKJV Bible Offline APK

  1. Bible Gateway APK: Bible Gateway is a well-known online Bible platform that also offers an offline APK. You can download the NKJV translation and other translations offline using this app.

Download link: Bible Gateway APK

  1. NKJV Bible APK: This is another standalone APK that offers the NKJV Bible offline. You can download it from the following link:

Download link: NKJV Bible APK

Please note that you should only download APKs from trusted sources to ensure that your device remains safe and secure. Additionally, some APKs may require you to grant certain permissions or access to your device's storage.

Remember to always check the compatibility of the APK with your device's operating system and version before installing.