New king james bible download for windows 10

Here are a few ways to download the New King James Bible (NKJV) for Windows 10:

Method 1: Download from the Bible Gateway Website

  1. Go to the Bible Gateway website (
  2. Click on the "Download" button at the top right corner of the page.
  3. Select "Windows" as your operating system and choose the NKJV translation.
  4. Choose the format you prefer (e.g., PDF, EPUB, or MOBI).
  5. Click on the "Download" button to download the NKJV Bible.

Method 2: Download from the YouVersion Bible App

  1. Download and install the YouVersion Bible app from the Microsoft Store (free).
  2. Open the app and select "NKJV" as your preferred translation.
  3. Tap on the "Download" button to download the NKJV Bible.
  4. The app will download the NKJV Bible in EPUB format.

Method 3: Download from the Olive Tree Bible Software Website

  1. Go to the Olive Tree Bible Software website (
  2. Click on "Bibles" and select "NKJV" as your preferred translation.
  3. Choose the format you prefer (e.g., PDF, EPUB, or MOBI).
  4. Click on the "Download" button to download the NKJV Bible.

Method 4: Download from the e-Sword Website

  1. Go to the e-Sword website (
  2. Click on "Bibles" and select "NKJV" as your preferred translation.
  3. Choose the format you prefer (e.g., PDF, EPUB, or MOBI).
  4. Click on the "Download" button to download the NKJV Bible.

Method 5: Download from the Blue Letter Bible Website

  1. Go to the Blue Letter Bible website (
  2. Click on "Bibles" and select "NKJV" as your preferred translation.
  3. Choose the format you prefer (e.g., PDF, EPUB, or MOBI).
  4. Click on the "Download" button to download the NKJV Bible.

Once you've downloaded the NKJV Bible, you can open it using a PDF reader or an e-book reader like Adobe Digital Editions or Calibre.