New journal of chemistry

The New Journal of Chemistry (NJC) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes original research articles, reviews, and communications in all areas of chemistry. The journal is published by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and is considered one of the leading chemistry journals in the world.

Here are some key features of the New Journal of Chemistry:

  1. Interdisciplinary scope: NJC publishes research in all areas of chemistry, including organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, and theoretical chemistry, as well as interdisciplinary areas such as biochemistry, materials science, and environmental chemistry.
  2. High-impact factor: NJC has a high impact factor, which is a measure of the journal's influence and prestige in the scientific community. The journal's impact factor is currently around 3.5.
  3. Rapid publication: NJC has a fast publication process, with an average time from submission to publication of around 3-4 months.
  4. Open access options: NJC offers open access options for authors, which allows their research to be freely available to anyone, anywhere in the world.
  5. High-quality peer review: NJC has a rigorous peer-review process, with all manuscripts reviewed by at least two independent experts in the field.
  6. Wide readership: NJC is widely read by researchers, academics, and industry professionals in the field of chemistry, with a global readership of over 100,000.

Some of the topics that NJC publishes include:

Overall, the New Journal of Chemistry is a leading platform for publishing original research in all areas of chemistry, and is an important resource for researchers, academics, and industry professionals in the field.