New jobs in lagos

Here are some new job openings in Lagos, Nigeria:

1. Software Engineer at Andela

Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Job Type: Full-time

Andela is a company that connects top tech talent with companies that need them. They are looking for a software engineer to join their team in Lagos.

2. Sales Representative at MTN Nigeria

Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Job Type: Full-time

MTN Nigeria is a leading telecommunications company in Nigeria. They are looking for a sales representative to join their team in Lagos.

3. Marketing Manager at PwC Nigeria

Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Job Type: Full-time

PwC Nigeria is a leading professional services firm in Nigeria. They are looking for a marketing manager to join their team in Lagos.

4. Customer Service Representative at First Bank of Nigeria

Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Job Type: Full-time

First Bank of Nigeria is a leading bank in Nigeria. They are looking for a customer service representative to join their team in Lagos.

5. Data Analyst at KPMG Nigeria

Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Job Type: Full-time

KPMG Nigeria is a leading professional services firm in Nigeria. They are looking for a data analyst to join their team in Lagos.

6. Operations Manager at DHL Nigeria

Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Job Type: Full-time

DHL Nigeria is a leading logistics company in Nigeria. They are looking for an operations manager to join their team in Lagos.

7. Human Resources Manager at Nestle Nigeria

Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Job Type: Full-time

Nestle Nigeria is a leading food and beverage company in Nigeria. They are looking for a human resources manager to join their team in Lagos.

8. IT Support Specialist at IBM Nigeria

Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Job Type: Full-time

IBM Nigeria is a leading technology company in Nigeria. They are looking for an IT support specialist to join their team in Lagos.

9. Financial Analyst at Standard Chartered Bank Nigeria

Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Job Type: Full-time

Standard Chartered Bank Nigeria is a leading bank in Nigeria. They are looking for a financial analyst to join their team in Lagos.

10. Supply Chain Manager at Unilever Nigeria

Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Job Type: Full-time

Unilever Nigeria is a leading consumer goods company in Nigeria. They are looking for a supply chain manager to join their team in Lagos.

These are just a few examples of new job openings in Lagos. You can search for more job openings on job boards such as:

Remember to always research the company and the job thoroughly before applying or accepting a job offer.