New jerusalem video

You're looking for a video about the New Jerusalem!

The New Jerusalem is a concept in Christian eschatology, which refers to the ultimate redemption of humanity and the creation of a new heaven and a new earth. Here are a few videos that might interest you:

  1. "The New Jerusalem" by R.C. Sproul (YouTube): This video is a sermon by R.C. Sproul, a renowned Christian theologian, where he explains the biblical concept of the New Jerusalem and its significance in Christian theology.
  2. "The New Jerusalem: A City of God" by John Piper (Desiring God): This video is a sermon by John Piper, a Christian pastor and author, where he explores the biblical description of the New Jerusalem and its implications for our lives as Christians.
  3. "The New Jerusalem: A Vision of Heaven" by Tim Challies (YouTube): This video is a sermon by Tim Challies, a Christian blogger and author, where he shares his vision of the New Jerusalem and its beauty, based on biblical descriptions.
  4. "The New Jerusalem: A City of Light" by Beth Moore (YouTube): This video is a sermon by Beth Moore, a Christian author and speaker, where she explores the symbolism of the New Jerusalem as a city of light and its significance in our lives as Christians.
  5. "The New Jerusalem: A Reality Check" by Andy Stanley (North Point Ministries): This video is a sermon by Andy Stanley, a Christian pastor and author, where he challenges his audience to consider the reality of the New Jerusalem and its implications for our lives.

These videos offer a range of perspectives and insights into the biblical concept of the New Jerusalem. I hope you find something that resonates with you!