New jersey to texas by train time

A cross-country adventure by train! Here's the information you need to plan your trip from New Jersey to Texas by train:

Train Operators:

  1. Amtrak: Offers multiple daily departures from New Jersey to Texas, with a journey time of around 24-30 hours, depending on the route and type of train.


  1. Amtrak's Texas Eagle route: This route runs from New York City's Penn Station (NYP) to Chicago's Union Station (CHI), then continues to San Antonio (SAS) and finally to Los Angeles (LAX). From New Jersey, you can take the Northeast Regional train to New York City, then transfer to the Texas Eagle train.
  2. Amtrak's Crescent route: This route runs from New York City's Penn Station (NYP) to New Orleans (NOL), then continues to Houston (HOU) and finally to San Antonio (SAS). From New Jersey, you can take the Northeast Regional train to New York City, then transfer to the Crescent train.

Train Schedules:

Here are some sample train schedules from New Jersey to Texas:


Fares vary depending on the route, class of service, and availability. Here are some sample fares:

Tips and Recommendations:

I hope this information helps you plan your train trip from New Jersey to Texas!