New jersey black population

According to the United States Census Bureau, as of 2020, the estimated population of New Jersey is approximately 9.2 million people. The Black or African American population in New Jersey is approximately 1.2 million people, which is about 13.1% of the state's total population.

Here is a breakdown of the Black or African American population in New Jersey by county, based on the 2020 American Community Survey:

  1. Essex County: 242,000 (24.1% of the county's population)
  2. Hudson County: 134,000 (21.4% of the county's population)
  3. Camden County: 83,000 (14.1% of the county's population)
  4. Atlantic City: 54,000 (44.1% of the city's population)
  5. Trenton: 43,000 (34.5% of the city's population)
  6. Newark: 42,000 (24.1% of the city's population)
  7. Jersey City: 34,000 (14.1% of the city's population)
  8. Paterson: 33,000 (23.1% of the city's population)
  9. Atlantic County: 26,000 (10.3% of the county's population)
  10. Cumberland County: 24,000 (12.1% of the county's population)

It's worth noting that these numbers are estimates and may have changed slightly since the 2020 census. Additionally, these numbers represent the population of Black or African Americans alone, and do not include people of mixed race or ethnicity who may also identify as Black or African American.