New ivoire restaurant

You're looking for a new Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) restaurant! Here are a few options:

  1. Le Petit Châtelet (Abidjan): This cozy restaurant serves traditional Ivorian dishes like poulet yassa (grilled chicken with onions and spices) and fufu (boiled cassava or yams with a sauce).
  2. La Maison des Épices (Abidjan): This restaurant offers a mix of Ivorian and international cuisine, including dishes like grilled fish, beef skewers, and vegetable stir-fries.
  3. Le Bistro du Commerce (Abidjan): This popular bistro serves a range of Ivorian and French-inspired dishes, including pasta, salads, and sandwiches.
  4. Le Restaurant de la Paix (Yamoussoukro): Located in the capital city of Yamoussoukro, this restaurant offers a variety of Ivorian and international dishes, including grilled meats and seafood.
  5. La Table du Marché (Bouaké): This casual eatery serves traditional Ivorian street food, including dishes like grilled corn, plantains, and peanuts.

Please note that these options are subject to change, and it's always a good idea to check reviews and make reservations before visiting a new restaurant.

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