New israeli government

You're referring to the recent developments in Israeli politics!

On June 13, 2021, Israel held its fourth national election in two years, and the results led to the formation of a new government. Here's a brief overview:

The Old Government: The previous government, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was a coalition of the Likud party, Shas, United Torah Judaism, and Yamina. However, the government collapsed in December 2020 due to disagreements between the coalition partners.

The New Government: The new government is a coalition of eight parties, led by Naftali Bennett, the head of the Yamina party. The coalition includes:

  1. Yamina (Naftali Bennett)
  2. Yesh Atid (Yair Lapid)
  3. Blue and White (Benny Gantz)
  4. Labor (Merav Michaeli)
  5. Meretz (Nitzan Horowitz)
  6. New Hope (Gideon Sa'ar)
  7. United Arab List (Mansour Abbas)
  8. Ra'am (Mohammed Barakeh)

Key Features:

  1. Rotation of Prime Ministers: Naftali Bennett will serve as Prime Minister for the first two years, followed by Yair Lapid for the remaining two years.
  2. Coalition of Opposites: The government is a rare example of a coalition between parties from the left, right, and center, as well as between Jewish and Arab parties.
  3. End of Netanyahu's Era: Benjamin Netanyahu, who had been Prime Minister for over a decade, is no longer in power.
  4. New Faces: The government includes several new faces, including Naftali Bennett, Yair Lapid, and Mansour Abbas, who is the first Arab party leader to join a government in Israel.

Challenges Ahead: The new government faces several challenges, including:

  1. Economic Recovery: Israel is still recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, and the government will need to address economic issues, such as unemployment and budget deficits.
  2. Security: Israel continues to face security challenges, including tensions with Iran, Hamas, and other regional actors.
  3. Social and Political Divisions: The government will need to navigate deep-seated social and political divisions within Israeli society.

Overall, the new Israeli government represents a significant shift in Israeli politics, with a focus on unity, cooperation, and addressing the country's pressing challenges.