New israel pm

You're referring to the recent developments in Israeli politics!

As of June 13, 2021, Naftali Bennett has been sworn in as the new Prime Minister of Israel, marking a significant shift in the country's political landscape. Bennett, a right-wing politician and former Defense Minister, has formed a coalition government with Yair Lapid, a centrist politician and former Finance Minister.

This new government is a rare example of a coalition between right-wing and left-wing parties, with Bennett's Yamina party and Lapid's Yesh Atid party forming the core of the government. The coalition also includes several smaller parties, including the United Arab List, a party representing Israel's Arab minority.

Bennett's ascension to the premiership marks a significant change from the previous government led by Benjamin Netanyahu, who had been in power for over a decade. Netanyahu's Likud party is now in opposition, and he has been replaced as leader by MK Tzachi Hanegbi.

The new government faces numerous challenges, including managing the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, addressing the country's economic and social issues, and navigating the complex regional dynamics in the Middle East. Bennett has pledged to prioritize issues such as education, healthcare, and social welfare, while also maintaining Israel's security and defense capabilities.

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