New islamic song

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Here's a new Islamic song that I came across recently:

Title: "Rahmatan Lil Alamin" (Mercy to All Creation)

Artist: Maher Zain

Language: English

Genre: Islamic Pop


Verse 1: In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful The One who sent Muhammad as a mercy to all From the cradle to the grave, we're all in need Of His mercy, His guidance, His love indeed

Chorus: Rahmatan lil alamin, mercy to all creation Rahmatan lil alamin, a mercy to all nations Rahmatan lil alamin, a mercy to all humanity Rahmatan lil alamin, a mercy to all humanity

Verse 2: We're all sinners, we all make mistakes But Allah's mercy is greater than our mistakes He forgives us, He guides us, He loves us And He's always with us, no matter what we do

Chorus: Rahmatan lil alamin, mercy to all creation Rahmatan lil alamin, a mercy to all nations Rahmatan lil alamin, a mercy to all humanity Rahmatan lil alamin, a mercy to all humanity

Music: The song features a catchy and uplifting melody, with a mix of traditional and modern Islamic music elements. The beat is energetic and engaging, making it perfect for singing along or dancing to.

Message: The song's message is one of hope, forgiveness, and mercy. It reminds us that Allah's mercy is greater than our mistakes and that He is always with us, guiding us and loving us. The song encourages us to seek His mercy and to spread love and compassion to all creation.

I hope you enjoy this new Islamic song!